This animated anthology series features original stories set in the worlds of iconic video games. Video games have taken over the screens, and we’re celebrating the genre with a closer look at over 50 video game adaptations into films and shows. Clive Standen reprises his role as Demetrius Titus, the protagonist of the video game Space Marine 2. The episode takes place after the events of the game. Link to the Movie Spam podcast: Episode 973: Carry-On (2024). The animation is beautiful, that’s for sure. Still, I find it hard to get excited about such short episodes. They feel like college tests. You can’t get completely carried away because you know it’s over before you even connect with the characters. It was nice to see a few stars. Reeves and Arnie give good performances. It’s all a bit too experimental and uninteresting for me. So if I had my choice of source material. I think I would have gone with a completely different set of games. The Pacman episode was okay. But it was a display of artistic license to the extreme. At least it made me laugh. Overall, the whole series felt a bit awkward. 6 for the images.